Placebo papers

Roberto Polanco- Carrasco



The choice that every author makes in regards of where to publish also complies with tradition and academic culture properties. That’s how we find that the more an article is cited, the bigger impact it has, assuming that a bigger impact means, without question, a better quality magazine. This incorrect but, commonly accepted idea (sometimes supported by editors) could be understood as a type of placebo when it comes to making the decision of where to publish.

In the same way we observe the relevancy of the way of administration, color, form and price of placebo when it comes to obtaining a higher therapeutical response with the patients, recent studies show how the credibility of a cognitive neuroscientific article will be higher if the text is accompanied by images of the brain12. The use of graphical elements and data tables in a psychological article are also associated with the approach of the field’s most difficult topics.

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